[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 
연사 : 이병길 박사(MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)

연제 : Structural studies using cryo-electron microscopy
일시 : 2017년 2월 28일 (화) 오전 11시

장소 : 하나과학관 A동 103호

초청교수 : 송현규 교수


Cryo-EM, electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated samples, has had the advantage of being able to easily study the structures of large and flexible macromolecular complexes but the limitation in resolution unlike other techniques such as X-ray and NMR. However, the recent development of instruments and methodology enables the structures of many macromolecules to be determined at near-atomic resolutions by cryo-EM. Here I present and discuss the latest progress in structural biology using cryo-EM with various examples of their applications.