[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내]


연사 : 원경재 교수(University of Pennsylvania, Department of Genetics)

연제 : A Computational Approach Identifies Anti-diabetic Rosiglitazone RegulatesmRNA Stability


일시 : 2016년 11월 7일 (월오후 4시


장소 하나과학관 A동 207호

초청교수 : 김윤기 교수


Gene expression levels are determined by the synthesis rate and thedegradation rate. Cells regulate synthesis as well as degradation rate inresponse to the environmental condition. While there are approaches to measuremRNA expression levels and their synthesis levels, there is no suitableapproach to detect degradation rate directly. A widely used approach tocalculate the mRNA half-life is arresting transcription using actinomycin D(ActD). However, ActD is toxic to cell physiology and mRNA metabolism. 
We developed a systematic wayto calculate mRNA half-life in murine adipocyte (3T3-L1). By applying a signalprocessing approach to sequencing data for nascent RNAs (global run-onsequencing (GROseq)) and mature RNAs (RNAseq) before and after treating withrosiglitazone (rosi), we calculated mRNA half-lives. The calculated half-livesusing GROseq were significantly shorter compared with the ones predicted usingActD. While, the mRNA half-lives were not changed for majority of genes, therewere genes which gained as well as lost mRNA stability upon rosi treatment. Thepotential mechanism for mRNA degradation will be discussed.