[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내]


연사 : 이종봉 교수(포항공대  물리학과)

연제 : Single-molecule imaging of the dynamics of biomolecules


일시 : 2016년 11월 4일 (금오후 4


장소 하나과학관 A동 109

초청교수 : 김윤기 교수


Although the temporal and mechanistic order of molecular events is essential for life, the downstream signaling mechanism in various biological processes has been poorly understood. However, since real-time observation of individual biomolecules and their complex going through biochemical reactions enables us to observe transient intermediate states, multiple pathways and the fluctuation of the molecular properties, this real-time single-molecule imaging is capable of elucidating the salient features of a variety of biological processes. I will present a successful story of how single-molecule studies have elucidated the mechanism of long-distance interactions during DNA mismatch repair (MMR). To initiate MMR that corrects misincorporated nucleotides, long-distance communication of MMR components on mismatched DNA is required: MutS that searches and recognizes nucleotide errors, and with MutL protein then transmits the mismatch recognition to a distant strand scission site (hundreds to thousands base pairs from the mismatch). However, the mechanism of communicating mismatch finding to a distant downstream site remains highly controversial for decades. If time is available, I will briefly introduce how single-molecule techniques have been used to understand long distance cell-to-cell communication.