[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내]


연사 Kim Hae Jin 박사 (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

연제 : Implementation of Synthetic Biology for Next-Generation Biofuel Crop Improvement


일시 : 2016년 7월 19일 (화오후 4시


장소 하나과학관 A동 109

초청교수 : 신정섭 교수


Meeting the challenge of feeding and fueling the world's population will require new strategies for rapid crop improvement that target advanced biofuel traits and also agronomic traits. Conventional plant breeding and biotechnology approaches for crop improvement are making important inroads into meeting these challenges, but these approaches typically target only one or a small number of traits at a time. In contrast, the emerging discipline of synthetic biology offers tools for making step changes in crop improvement by enabling integration of many trait genes into the host crop genome in a single genetic transformation event. To generate improved sustainability and biofuel quality traits and to evaluate the upper limit of transgene number that can be introduced into Camelina from one construct, we developed 10 modules with different trait genes using GoldenBraid technology. These trait genes include genes for heat tolerance (AtPARK13, AtHsfA1a), seed size (AtAGG3), oil content (AtWRI1, TaDGAT2), oil quality (FAT5, Com25, FAD2/FAD3/FAE1-RNAi), and protein quality (2S SSP- RNAi, resilin). These gene modules were used to assemble constructs of six, eight, ten, or twelve transcriptional units, and those constructs were transformed into Camelina. The same gene assembly strategy will be applied to sorghum to express 11 genes for improving nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE), cold tolerance, lignin content, vegetative oil.