[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내]


연사 Waters M. Brian  교수 (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

연제 : Scientific Writing Workshop


일시 : 2016년 7월 19일 (화오전 10시


장소 하나과학관 A동 109

초청교수 : 신정섭 교수


All scientists are expected to present their work to the scientific community. A primary way to communicate research results is to publish in peer-reviewed journals. A publication has more impact when it is highly cited, and making your message clear to your readers improves the chances of being cited. 
In this workshop, we will discuss several aspects of scientific writing and publishing. The first part of the workshop will focus on the publication process. The second part will focus on how to structure a scientific paper for maximum clarity and impact. The third part of the workshop will focus on effective sentences and effective word choice.