[대학원 생명과학과 금요세미나 안내]


연사 : 안지완 교수(POSTECH 융합생명공학부)


연제 : Tumor hypoxia: how they play and how we overcome them 


일시 : 2015년 12월 4일 (오후 4


장소 하나과학관 A동 109


초청교수 : 구승회 교수


Tumor hypoxia is known to occur via two mechanisms: chronic hypoxia where rapidly proliferating cancer cells are being pushed outside the oxygen diffusion distance thereby becoming hypoxic and eventually necrotic; or acute hypoxia whereby a rapid closure of tumor vasculature causing temporary cessation of the blood flow hence causing transient hypoxic environment.  Under these conditions, tumor cells can engage HIF (hypoxia-inducible factor) signaling, turning on multiple cellular pathways including angiogenesis, glycolytic metabolism, and metastases. 

Tumor hypoxia has been well established as a major contributing factor for failures in radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Although much attempt has been made to overcome tumor hypoxia, including hypoxic radiosensitizers and hypoxic cell cytotoxins it is still a major hurdle in today’s cancer treatment in the clinic.  One of those attempts, although not being used to treat cancer but rather to diagnose, is 18F-misonidazole, a PET tracer detecting tissue hypoxia in patients.

In this seminar, I will highlight the above tumor microenvironment, our recent unpublished data demonstrating how tumor-associated macrophages could contribute to this process, as well as our collaborative work where we’re developing quantum dot approach to detect the real-time tumor hypoxia.