[대학원 생명과학과 금요세미나 안내]


연사  이정훈 교수 (서울대 공대 기계항공공학부)

연제 :  Mechanical Response of Biomolecules and Cells


일시 : 2015년 6월 12일 (오후 4


장소 하나과학관 A동 109


초청교수 : 안지훈 교수 



Mechanochemistry has been known as a key principle behind various biochemical processes such as ligand-receptor recognitions and cellular responses to stimuli. Recent progress in microscale and nanoscale fabrication technologies enabled the measurement and use of the mechano-chemical forces on molecular and cellular levels. In this talk I will introduce micro/nano platforms developed in our lab for understanding the molecular interaction and cellular responses via mechanochemistry. Thin membrane technology can be used to detect biochemical interactions such as DNA hybridization and protein recognition with the chemical-mechanical coupling through surface forces. Cells grown on flexible substrates with varying stiffness respond differently, showing, for example, migrations (fibroblasts) and self-beating at different periods (cardiac cells). I will also discuss the molecular detection with DNA-carbon nanotube hybrids, and cell proliferation and differentiation on surface-grown carbon nanotubes.