[산학협력세미나 공지]


연사 : 박희동 박사 (LG 생명과학 신약연구소)


연제 : Introduction of Drug Discovery Strategy & Open Innovation of LG Life Sciences


일시 : 2015년 6월 3일 (수오후 5


장소 하나과학관 A동 103


초청교수 : 홍정호교수




    For many years to come, the pharmaceutical industry may seem a difficult time off its growth rate decline in accordance with the patent expires. But, the next era will be a golden age of prosperity rooted in innovation, productivity, success due to the advance of research and technology. The most important thing is the creation of providing lots of real value to the pharmaceutical companies, patients, vendors and the payers. In order to overcome the crisis, the pharmaceutical company has focused on the disease areas and investments, and then has been establishing the strategy known as a critical success factor.  In addition, future drug discovery area is predicted an era of personalized medicine, pharmaceutical companies should invest a lot of resources to research based on genetic genome into a deeper level than ever before. They also seek to improve research productivity constantly and modify the R & D for improvement activities steadily and quickly. In this environment, I believe that it is time to think what will be happen in future, what should be prepared for the future, especially in Korea.

     In this presentation, how to make a possible drug R & D methodologies for the creation and business growth in the worrisome situation and which areas of research will be focus on in the limited R& D resources. LG Life Sciences are able to create more opportunities to achieve better performance strengths and capabilities through joint research with researchers from Korea and abroad who are going through the open innovation program based on having a new way out to reinforce and think, ultimately want to have the time to discuss ways of joint research conducted with Korea University