[대학원 생명과학과 세미나 안내] 

연사 : Steve Mao 박사 (AAAS, Cambridge, MA)

연제 : Opening the black box: an editor’s perspective on scientific publishing

일시 : 2019년 4월 11일 (목) 오후 2시 30분

장소 : 하나스퀘어 멀티미디어룸 B115호

초청교수 : 우재성 교수


From the outside, publication in high-impact general-science journals can seem like a mysterious process. A general understanding of the procedures and practices at Science can help unravel the mystery a bit, and contribute to an understanding of what makes a great paper a high-impact-journal paper. In particular, while many researchers strive to publish in these journals because of their high impacts, they are fundamentally general-science journals, and understanding this can help authors assess which aspects of their own work will be most successful in such outlets. I’ll discuss some of the inner workings of Science and provide insight for helping authors prepare and assess their own work for consideration in high-impact general-science publications.